axis VS deth 27 May, 2023 7:07 pm


Apm: 81
MMR: 2644
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Apm: 27
MMR: 2724
Battle Net Profile

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Player Time Message
deth 00:58 wtf
deth 01:00 what a fag
deth 01:12 i bet you're chinese
axis 01:14 should i not kill you?
axis 01:20 isnt that the point of the game
deth 01:27 it just proves you're a try hard faggot
axis 01:37 why even click any buttons at all then?
deth 01:45 ew
axis 01:47 why even turn on the computer
deth 01:51 you talk like a loser
deth 03:19 see
axis 03:23 you play like a loser
deth 03:33 too handsome too care
deth 03:36 honestly
axis 03:36 i bet
deth 03:38 ahahahahahaha
deth 07:03 incel vibs
axis 07:08 married with kids buddy
deth 07:15 sure thing bud
deth 07:33 still an incel
deth 07:49 know what I mean?
axis 07:53 not really
deth 07:58 great banter
deth 08:00 high iq
deth 08:05 i bet you're good at math
axis 08:10 engineer actually
deth 08:13 exactly
deth 08:20 fuckin' useless faggot nerd
deth 08:30 what do you engineer?
axis 08:40 wins
deth 08:55 yeah thats an engineers cleverness at work
deth 09:03 you're all such sexless sweebs
deth 09:10 with zero charisma
axis 09:10 have fun wallowing in this all night
deth 09:21 hahaha
deth 09:23 see
deth 09:26 the projection
deth 09:30 the small mindedness
deth 09:35 the non nimble retorts
deth 09:39 you're a square

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